My Recipe For Cooking and Eating Blue Shark


Cooking blue shark is a lot different than cooking any of the other sharks. For mako, thresher and the rest, you can cut your steaks and flop them right on the grill. You don't have to go through the process below.

Let's start from the beginning. When you catch that blue shark, it should be filleted as soon as possible (with the skin left on), put in plastic bags and placed on ice until you get back to the dock.

**If you can't fillet your fish immediately for any reason, then go ahead and just head and gut your fish, and put them on ice until you get back to the dock and fillet the fish later. Don't fillet blue sharks larger than 200 lbs. because they tend to be tough and grainy. Stick with a shark that is 100 lbs. or less for best eating. This recipe is only recommended for blue shark.

Back at the dock, put the fillets on your cutting board and remove the skin. Holding your fillet by the tail end, skin down, take your large knife and slide it flat, pushing down so as to follow close to the skin.

Now you have to figure your cut size into eating portions. Place these into individual plastic bags and into your cooler. When you get home, put them immediately into your freezer. You now have good meat to work with. Note: Don't try to cut your fish and throw it right into the frying pan because it will just lay there and bubble due to the tremendous amount of water still in the meat. By freezing the fillets, you break down the fibers in the meat and that lets all the excess water out. 

Wait until the shark meat is well frozen (in a couple of days), then a day ahead of time pull out what you want to eat.


  1. Remove the frozen fillets from the plastic bags and put into a large covered bowl on your drain board until they are thoroughly thawed out. At the end of the day, you'll notice that you have more water than fish in the bowl. Make sure your fish is fully thawed out and drained before going on to step two.

  2. Take your fish out of the water and wrap it well in a dry, clean, white towel. Now put the wrapped fish in your refrigerator over night.

  3. Next day, when you unwrap your fish, you will find that the towel is soaking wet and your meat is now white and firm, ready to be cooked anyway you like. My favorite method is cut finger-sized, dipped in egg and cracker crumb batter and deep-fried for 2-3 minutes. If you want to cook them any other way, be my guest and go ahead.

The way I found out how to cook blue sharks was by accident: One morning I had blue shark in the freezer and decided to have it that night for supper. So I put some fillets in a bowl on my drain board and let them thaw out. By suppertime, I looked at them and seen them swimming in water and decided to have something else for supper. So I took the fillets out of the water, wrapped them in a towel and put them in the refrigerator for the next day. To my surprise, the next day I found the towel soaking wet and the fillets nice, white and firm meat to work with.

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